If you project requires auto rotated IPs, we recommended the rotating proxies package. We permanently refresh our proxy pool and increase the number of IPs. Proxies work for a lot of use cases because rotating proxies help to avoid frequent bans.
Private Proxies for Travel Fare Aggregation
Premium, fast and reliable proxies with over 1M different IP addresses
..or see pricing
Aggregate and compare prices with ease
Travel fare aggregators collect data from hotels, airlines, car rentals and other travel companies. They help you to find out and collect valuable data about each company. This can be extremely useful for comparing prices on different websites for the same venue. But, travel companies are aware of this, so they usually show their competitors the wrong answers and wrong data. You don’t want your business to be based on wrong data. Right?
Collect unlimited available travel data
By using our premium proxies for travel fare aggregation, your bots will be recognized as the normal users. This happens because Limeproxies has the world’s fastest, most powerful, anonymous and most reliable private proxy network with over 1M different IPs in more than 23 countries. Each IP we have is recognized as the residential address. So with Limeproxies, you can easily collect any available travel data on the web. Without restrictions, being blocked or seeing the wrong data.
Our dedicated support team is always on the top of your hand!
Dedicated IPS
Over 1 Million clean Premium IPs. Our IPs are never detected as proxies. Choose your own proxies and no one else will have access to it except you.
Simultaneous Usage
Use different proxies without being detected or blocked. You will be authenticated for proxy usage only if you use more than 25 IPs at the same time.
Highly Anonymous
With Limeproxies, you’re safe, secure and your data is always visible only to you.
Multiple Locations
50 Geo locations including: UK, US, Germany, India, and more.
24/7 Support
Our team is at the top of your hand whenever you need help.
1000+ Subnets
Detailed usage statistics for your account will allow you to monitor and optimize your data collection process.
High Performance
Our proxies are great for high performance and multithreaded products.
Anytime IP Refresh
Detailed usage statistics for your account will allow you to monitor and optimize your data collection process.
Automated Dash
Detailed usage statistics for your account will allow you to monitor and optimize your data collection process.
Frequently asked questions
A rotating proxy works as follows: it sends your connection to a random IP in your proxy pool to establish the connection. Privateproxy offers datacenter and residential rotating proxy networks.
A rotating proxy is a proxy server that assigns a new IP address from the proxy pool for every connection.
Proxy activation is momentaneous: Upon ordering a proxy plan, you can use the proxy’s login details (e.g. address and port) to connect to your destination server.
We support PayPal, Crypto, Payoneer, Alipay, Google Pay, wire transfers, and credit cards
We offer 100% refund if requested within 48 hours of product delivery subject to consuming less than 10 mb bandwidth.
Real People, Real Results
Anime Kages
Fast and good communication
Fast and good communication. Any problems and/ or questions will be answered quickly. They are very ...
Mario ortega
Excellent attention...
David Duque
Limeproxies really knows about customer service
Limeproxies support service is amazing. I purchased 2 proxies for a specific use and they helped me ...
Amazing Customer Support
Amazing customer support and great products...
Your Step Every Inch
They do it well
They do it well, their customer service does the job well....
Wii Cx4
I would just like to say
I would just like to say "Limeproxies.com" really does go up and above to please their customers. Th...